7 skills to develop for a good engineer

We have asked a number of engineers to tell us which qualities they feel are necessary to succeed in their domain.  –        Be curious and logical A scientific approach and technical know-how are not enough on their own, an engineer … Continued

The wind in his sails

Three years ago, armed with a civil engineering diploma in electromechanics, Olivier de Caritat joined the Tractebel Engineering team as a consultant. There, he helped to study and develop wind turbine projects. Since January 2014, he has been on a … Continued

People at the center of interest

In an interview published in Trends on 12th March 2015, Patrick Wielemans explains how people are at the center of interest

Manon Hap – launching a great career

Freshly graduated from the UCL, Manon Hap studied as a civil engineer in electromechanics, with energy as her specialism.  She is rounding off her first contract with Tecnubel, at their headquarters in Dessel, before joining Tractebel Engineering for a new … Continued

The Quote of the Month

“The delicate balance of mentoring someone is not creating them in your own image, but giving them the opportunity to create themselves”. Steven Spielberg

The Quote of the Month

“A clever person solves a problem. A wise person avoids it”. Albert Einstein