Women are still under-represented in the scientific and engineering professions. Yet there are some very good reasons why they should turn towards these professions.

So ladies, if you are hesitating before taking up engineering studies, please read this:
– Women are highly valued and supported
Due to their fewer numbers compared to their male equivalents in certain specialisations, the presence of women is often highly appreciated and valued. As an example, for its scientific policies the European commission actively encourages its member states to source extensively amongst their female talents.
– Impact on society
It has been noticed that women generally opt for particular studies or professional activities because of the impact those studies or activities have on social issues. As an engineer you will be actively contributing to the resolution of major societal issues.
– Job security and attractive salaries
Society will always need engineers in order to progress on numerous fronts; as a result of this you will benefit from genuine job security and attractive salaries.
– Positive team work
You will be working with teams that will be rich in talents, covering many sectors and nations. Furthermore, you will be able to constantly improve your skills.
– Significant mobility
You will be able to work wherever you want to and will be offered a broad spectrum of choices: foreign countries, urban or rural environments, business or industrial environments, access to the research sector… You may even travel and discover new horizons, if that is your ambition.
– Significant flexibility
You will be able to benefit from a genuine flexibility in how you organise your working hours and your career. Moreover, you will be able to adapt this to suit your own rhythm as well as that of your family without being forced to make a choice between your family life and your career.
– A progressive profession
You will be able to benefit from the advantages of new technologies and your job will be in constant progression. Whilst in the past certain engineering careers were generally reserved exclusively for men, today the reality is completely different.
So there is no reason not to take up the challenge of a truly passionate career. So ladies, here at Syngenia, we are waiting for you!