Cyril Leichnam – driven by multi-project planning

His management diploma pointed towards a commercial vocation, but Cyril has followed a rather untypical career path. After his initial professional experience, he moved into the world of industry, where he devoted himself to managing projects on behalf of major … Continued

Obsolescence is a growing problem

Bruno De Cooman, Mechanical Engineer working at Tractebel Engie on behalf of Syngenia has been interviewed by Valve World Magazine about how Tractebel Engie’s obsolescence program is helping to keep nuclear plants in good condition.  Read the article of Bruno … Continued

Today’s and tomorrow’s challenges for engineers

The engineering profession is in constant flux. So are the knowledge and the skills sets required. Where does that leave a modern-day Leonardo da Vinci or Nikola Tesla? What challenges do they face? Engineers’ jobs have changed. The old systems … Continued

Matteo Greco – exporting skills   

  Syngenia is proud to export skills across borders. We spoke to Matteo Greco, a Nuclear System Engineer currently working at Tractebel. For almost two years, Syngenia facilitated his mission in the Dutch city of Alkmaar.   What brought you … Continued

“Camp de Partage” – an enriching human experience

Syngenia’s FORWARD program, as we have previously highlighted, aims to contribute to the professional and the personal development of its staff. Investing in projects with added value for society is one way of achieving this. We talked with Manon Hap … Continued

Will tomorrow’s wind turbines sail the high seas?

While on mission, Syngenia engineers sometimes have the opportunity to work on truly innovative projects. We talked with Cédric Dewandre, an engineer on mission with Tractebel for Syngenia, about an ambitious project to install offshore floating wind turbines. What will … Continued